Can You Make Edibles Without Decarbing?

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Making your own cannabis edibles is like a fun science project combined with the joy of cooking! There is a process known as decarboxylation that uses heat to unlock the full THC and CBD potential of the cannabis plant. However, is it really necessary? Since there’s much debate on the topic, let me answer the question as best I can, based on my own experience and opinions from the research I’ve done:

You can make edibles without decarbing but it won’t produce a fully active THC or CBD product. To get the full effect or maximum ‘high’, you should completely decarb your cannabis. If you’re baking your edibles, then you may not need to decarb. This should happen naturally during the baking process, provided they’re heated to a temperature at or above 225 degrees Fahrenheit.

Now that you know it’s best to decarb your cannabis before making edibles, let’s take a closer look at this further and in more detail below. We’ll discuss the difference between decarboxylation and infusion and why both processes are required to achieve the ultimate ‘high’ or TCH/CBD benefits. We’ll also explain how to make cannabutter without decarbing and explore the top 3 ways to decarb at home.

So, if you’re ready to learn more about making cannabis edibles (with or without decarbing), then let’s get started!

What is Decarboxylation?

Decarboxylation or ‘decarbing’ is the process of using heat to remove a chemical known as carboxyl from a cannabis plant for the purpose of making edibles. This helps unlock the potency of the plant by activating the THC or CBD to provide a better ‘high.’

You can decarb cannabis by using an applied source of heat (such as an oven) or you buy machines that do the job for you. For more information, please see below under the subheading entitled: Can You Buy Decarbing Machines?

Why Decarb Cannabis Prior to Cooking?

If your edibles are heated to an internal temperature of 225 degrees Fahrenheit, you likely don’t need to decarb beforehand. However, since it’s highly unlikely that the inside of your edible (depending on what you’re making, of course) will get that hot, it won’t fully decarb through cooking alone.

It’s important to note that marijuana still offers plenty of medicinal benefits without decarbing. Psychoactive benefits, on the other hand, not so much! You’ll need to decarb to get that feeling of relaxation and contentment you desire – since cannabis it its purest form will not get you ‘high.’

Do I Decarb Before I Infuse?

Some people believe you don’t need to infuse as decarboxylation and infusion occur at the same time! The fact remains, however, if you don’t decarb before infusing, your end product will be only 10 to 25 per cent activated.

Can You Decarb and Infuse at the Same Time?

Ideally, you should infuse before you decarb your cannabis. While you may think that heating the cannabis should so both at the same time, it won’t. And, while you can decarb after infusing, to get the full THC or CBD effect, it’s best to decarb first.

Can You Decarb After Infusion?

As mentioned above, yes, you can decarb after infusing. Doing it this way, however, won’t unlock the full THC or CBD potential. Instead, the oil or butter will likely stay remain in its THCA or CBDA acid precursor forms which won’t give you the ‘high’ or health benefits you desire.

Can You Make Cannabutter Without Decarbing?

While it’s possible to make cannabutter without decarbing, it’s not recommended, especially for those who want to unlock the true psychoactive THC/CBD potential of the cannabis plant. The best way to make cannabutter is to heat the flower slowly at a low temperature.

A basic cannabutter recipe includes the following 10 steps:

  1. Preheat your oven to 250 degrees.
  2. Place cannabis buds on a non-stick baking tray and cover with parchment paper.
  3. Put the tray into the oven and bake for 30 to 40 minutes.
  4. Take the tray out of the oven every 10 minutes and give it a shake to disperse the heat evenly on all sides of the bud.
  5. After the buds have cooled, grind them coarsely with a hand mixer.
  6. Heat 1 cup of butter on the stove over low heat until smooth and melted – stir constantly and add a little water to prevent the butter from burning.
  7. Add the ground cannabis to the melted butter and stir gently.
  8. Simmer over low heat for 2 to 3 hours, stirring occasionally.
  9. Once the butter has cooled, pour it over a funnel that’s been lined with cheesecloth and placed on top of a jar.
  10. Seal the jar tightly with a lid and refrigerate – use when necessary for baking/cooking.

What are the Ways You can Decarb at Home?

The top 3 ways to decarb at home include baking, boiling or slow cooking. If you want to infuse your edibles with dried cannabis matter, then baking your weed is the way to go. For complete instructions, see above under the subheading entitled Can You Make Cannabutter Without Decarbing?

If you want to make cannabis tea, then simply fill a tea bulb with weed and immerse it in a cup of boiling water. Make sure the temperature of the water reaches 225 degrees to fully decarb the plant matter and release the THC/CBD. Try adding a little bit of cannabutter to the hot liquid to help draw out the cannabinoids.

If you want to make cannabis oil, you’ll need coconut or olive oil and a slow cooker. Use 1 ounce of weed for every 2 cups of oil. Place both into your crock pot and heat on the lowest setting, letting it simmer for 3 hours. Allow the liquid to cool and then repeat the process again (up to 3 times) to further boost its potency.

Can You Buy Decarbing Machines?

You can purchase decarboxylators online through Amazon. One such machine is the LEVO II – Herbal Oil and Butter Infusion Machine – Botanical Decarboxylator, Herb Dryer, and Oil Infuser. This unit really does do it all…and with less hassle than the traditional decarbing/infusing methods.

The Levo II is a premium kitchen appliance that can create all types of cannabis-infused edibles – from oils and butters to smoothies and dressings! Best of all, it’s easy to use and easy to clean. Smart, stylish, and mess-free – go online and check it out today!


To conclude, you can make marijuana edibles (such as cannabutter) without decarbing. However, doing so won’t produce a fully active THC or CBD product. To get the maximum ‘high’, you must fully decarb your weed. If you’re baking your edibles, then you may not need to decarb in advance, provided they’re heated to a sufficient temperature – at or above 225 degrees Fahrenheit.

In short, you should absolutely decarb marijuana for edibles. This will make it more potent and unleash not only the medicinal but the psychoactive benefits as well. Choosing not to decarb could result in a product with only a mild high, if any at all! Since this would ultimately defeat the purpose, taking the time to decarb beforehand is recommended.

Hopefully, this article has been of help to you. Thanks for reading and good luck with your edible cannabis creations!

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