Male Marijuana Plant Uses You Need to Know

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Male marijuana plants really get a bum rap these days now that growers are becoming more easily educated with the internet available to look up information. However let me tell you from personal experience back in the 70’s growing up that there is nothing wrong with a male pot plant.

You can smoke them just like the female plants and surprisingly enough yes you can get high from them. Sure maybe not as high as smoking bud from a female plant but it’s still getting high.

Surprisingly there are many uses for a male marijuana plant. They can be used for smoking or making hash or other oil products. Also unless you are continually cloning a female plant you will need male plants to pollinate other plants to reproduce.

Can You Smoke Male Marijuana Plants?

Of course. You can smoke the leaves stems and sacs/seeds and surprisingly enough you might just get high. If you enjoy the smell of marijuana being smoked then you get to enjoy that as well. You could even add the leaves to some bud to thicken your joints.
Make sure that you store your male plants similar to storing female buds to ensure a long storage life.

The Male Marijuana Plants most Important Use – Breeding

As stated already male marijuana plants are necessary for the reproduction of pot plants. Males pollinate the female plants which causes the female plants to grow seeds in the buds of the plant.

It is common in the growing circle to keep males separate from female plants when a grower is just growing for something to smoke. It is being taught now that buds with seeds are less desirable. I can understand that point being that we have the knowledge now to do our best to make sure this does not happen.

However! Back in the 70’s when smoking bud with seeds in it, it was never the end of the world. Unless you were smoking a pipe and the seed popped and blew most of your pot out of the pipe.

Can You Smoke Pollen From Male Plants?

I am not sure why I found this question posted online but there it was. Why would anyone even consider trying to smoke pollen?
You can smoke whatever you want but it doesn’t mean it will get you stoned.
Marijuana pollen has no THC or Cannabinoids so you won’t feel anything. You won’t get high. Sorry.

When to Harvest Male Plants for Hash?

Male marijuana plants are used to make different oils in forms such as CBD oil or vapes and other formats. Cannabinoids are extracted from the plant to do so. I have never made my own hash but sure did enjoy it back in the 70’s. Now that Marijuana is legal I am really hoping the pot stores start selling hash soon so I can try it again.

So here we go. Once the male Cannabis plant has flowered are there are trichomes visible you can then start to make hash. You can find trichomes not only on the flower but all over the plant at this point of the pot plants growth. The trichomes have to be separated from the plant and placed in a pollen press.

Once the trichomes are pressed you can then start to roll them in your hands and eventually the product will start to look like hash. This is just a high level note on when you can harvest your marijuana to make hash.

Another point would be that if you are interested in making hash you should be ready to grow quite a few plants to get enough to make it worthwhile. In Canada anyone of legal age is allowed to grow up to 4 plants at a given time. Four plants might get you a nice little chunk of hash but nothing to fill a sealer up with.

When do Male Plants Pollinate Female Plants?

When a male plant finally starts to grow seeds you can expect the pollinating to happen once the flowers have grown and opened. This can happen in as little as 3 weeks.

Two things to note when trying to pollinate other marijuana plants.
1. Once the flower turns yellow the pollinating should be complete.
2. It is a good idea to have a fan circulating in the grow room to ensure the pollen can travel through the air to hit its mark for pollination.

Use Your Male Marijuana Plant for its Hemp Fiber

I am sure you have heard or maybe seen Hemp products when out shopping at your local paraphernalia store. What did you think those products were really made from?

The list of Hemp products available is getting quite large and growing as we speak. Guess how many products? If you guessed as many as 50,000 you are correct. Isn’t that amazing? Hemp can be found in products ranging from building materials to CBD oil to pet supplies.

A short list includes but not limited to:

Sunglasses, paper products, parts for some high end vehicles like BMW and Jaguar, Hemp food, building materials.
A Canadian research company is researching the possibility of using Hemp based technology to create rechargeable batteries for vehicles, cell phones and other devices with a Hemp Nano technology.

Don’t forget the Hemp wallets I know you have seen and maybe even own. The list seems to be endless when researching all of the products created using Hemp.

Benefits of Cannabinoids from Hemp Male Marijuana Plants

I know I touched on Cannabinoids above however with all the craze now surrounding using CBD oil and other consumable Cannabinoid products this section was worth going into a bit.

If you are skilled enough to extract and process Cannabinoids from your male pot plants then you can maybe experience some of the following benefits from this substance.

I use CBD oil and can tell you from my own personal experience that CBD has helped me with a few things.

  • CBD has helped me with anxiety. I used to get anxiety almost daily. Some days worse than others. With taking CBD I have found that my anxiety has cut back more than 50%. I would say 70% but I don’t want to overestimate.


  • Joint pain. I used to have really bad knee pain in my left knee and my left elbow. When I would get in my bed using my left knee to get in it would hurt like heck. Just this sharp piercing pain. My left elbow would hurt whenever I leaned on it. I am happy to say my knee has probably healed approximately 50% but no more. My elbow has healed slightly but I haven’t really checked it. I don’t like leaning on it and experiencing that pain.


  • Overall well being. This one is interesting because I have read online that cannabinoids won’t help with an overall sense of well being and I have read the opposite. My experience was that I would definitely get a sense of happiness and well being. I did learn over the last couple of years how to focus on the present to learn how to avoid creating anxiety and sometimes I wonder if that didn’t help as well. If you have never tried just focusing on right now and forgetting the past and not worrying about the future it will do wonders for anxiety and maybe well being.



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