Should I use Miracle Grow on my Weed?

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I was wondering this exact thing the last time I grew a pot plant!  I didn’t use any but did use other nutrients specifically made for the different stages of marijuana plant life mainly being the vegetative and flowering stage. I have used Miracle Grow on other indoor plants before and I have to say, it seems to work very well for those types of plants. However, the question still remains…


Should I use Miracle Grow on my weed plants? Miracle Grow is not manufactured with marijuana plants in mind. If you can flush your grow media so the Miracle Grow is removed in a timely manner, then you could benefit from using the product. Miracle Grow has time released components that you might not want when you are flipping from the vegetative to the flowering stage. You also could end up with plants that are long and lean.


So, there’s obviously more to it than that quick answer, I just wanted to give some food for thought, at least in my opinion on the subject. The fact of the matter is if you understand how the nutrients work in soil and how IT affects the plants, you might benefit from using this product. However, I would have to say using a product specifically made for marijuana growing is the way to go.


For the rest of this article, I will talk about what you should look out for and consider. I hope it helps.


Can I Use Miracle Grow Soil for Marijuana Plants?


Miracle Grow soil as wonderful, as it is for plants that flower continuously is probably not a great option for growing weed. When a seedling has started, having the strong nutrients in the soil could kill the plant before it gets a chance to grow very much. I would recommend using an organic soil and let the natural nutrients in the soil fertilize the young plant safely.


Once it has been growing for a few weeks, you can then add nutrients to the soil or growing media. If you want to use Miracle Grow, use it at this point and make sure you flush the soil really well to ensure any excess is flushed away.


Flushing for this purpose means to heavily water so anything like excessive nutrients in the soil will flush away. This will mean that you want to have soil that water can easily flow through. Adding perlite or coco noir can help you get the desired results you need. I will add a couple Amazon links here for perlite and coco so you get the correct product.


Using Miracle Grow will give the plant a boost in the vegetative state. I wouldn’t use it again though until you are in the flowering stage and you can visibly see the buds starting to grow. That’s correct, wait for the buds to appear not just the first sign of flowering. Being patient when using any type of nutrients will give you the best results.


**Finally, I have read some growers online who say they like using the product. Now that might be their preference because they don’t know any better and have never used an expensive marijuana fertilizer. You must try it yourself to see if the results you get are what you are looking for** 


How to Flush Miracle Grow Soil


As good as the idea is to flush Miracle Grow soil, it might not work well enough to work how you want it too. Miracle Grow soil will have time released pellets in it so the plants are being fed a continuous supply of nutrients. It might be hard to flush and get everything to work through.

I feel the best thing you could do is take the plant(s) right out of the soil and place them in a nice organic mix or use coco if that is your preference.


You can try just flushing the soil with a continual supply of water, however, that will just make a mess and probably won’t get everything out you want out. If you want to try this, just place your plant pots in a bathtub or outside and run water into the soil for a good 30 or more minutes.

Even if it only flushes away 60% of the Miracle Grow nutrients, that’s better than nothing.


Will My Bud Taste Like Miracle Grow When I Smoke It?


Regardless of whether you use Miracle Grow or fertilizers that are made specifically for marijuana, you want to flush the soil for the last 10 days or so before you harvest. This means using clean water with no fertilizers and making sure when you water that some of the water is running right through at the time of watering. Did that make sense?


Another way to explain it is, you are over watering for the last 10 days to ensure all chemicals are flushed out of the soil. You do not want that taste in the plant. Smoking it will give it a bit of a harsh taste. It just won’t be as pleasant as a flushed plant.


Can I Use Miracle Grow Soil or Fertilizer with Auto-flower Marijuana Plants?


You could, but I wouldn’t recommend doing so until the plant starts to grow buds. This is just my personal opinion, as I haven’t tried this yet. I think if you use the MG soil, you will mess up the seeds timing on when it starts to auto-flower. As well, if you use the fertilizer when watering before the plant starts to flower, you will cause issues with the seeds timing.


I was reading online where some people have had success and some hadn’t. Unless you have grown the same seeds once before without using MG, it is hard to gauge your success. Or, if you just don’t know what to expect. Sometimes just letting things run their natural course gives you the best results.

If you are having problems getting your buds to start check out my article HERE on the topic for some help.



In conclusion, it’s obvious this is something you will need to test yourself and see how it works for you. My tip of the day is to document your marijuana plant growing journey for each growth, this way you will know exactly what you did to achieve the results you have.

I want to give you a note of caution though, to consider the timing of the stage of growth the plant is in when introducing Miracle Grow to your marijuana plants unless of course you just don’t care if they grow wild and out of control.

The other thing you must consider is how potent the MG product really is and make sure to dilute it before applying. Otherwise, the plants will get nutrient burn and your marijuana could be ruined.

So, there you have it! I trust if you are reading this far, you have found some valuable info in this article to help you improve your weed growing results. Good luck.

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