Can You Put CBD Oil in Your Bathwater? (The Truth)

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CBD oil is a liquid derived from the marijuana plant. Unlike THC which promotes a ‘high’ effect, CBD is used mainly for medicinal purposes such as relieving pain or reducing anxiety. If you’re considering using CBD, you may be wondering if you can put it in your bath water?

Yes, you can add CBD oil to your bath. CBD oil is a safe, natural product that can be used in a variety of ways, including topically when added to products like soaps or lotions. Putting CBD oil in your bath works to nourish and moisturize the skin while reducing inflammation and promoting relaxation.

Now that you know it’s okay to add CBD oil to your bath water, let’s explore this topic further. As we move through this article, we’ll learn what the benefits of using CBD oil in a bath are, if it can be safely added to hot water, how much to use in a bath, how long you can sit in CBD bath, how to make your own CBD bath bomb, and who shouldn’t use CDB oil in the bath.

So, if you’re ready to learn more about the health benefits (and risks) of using CBD oil in a bath, then let’s begin!

What does CBD Oil do in a Bath?

When added to bath water, CBD oil not only helps promote relaxation and pain relief, but it also nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Some believe it has anti-ageing properties that gives skin a vibrant, healthy glow while aiding in healing and cell regeneration.

Dissolving CBD oil in bath water and then soaking in it helps speed-up the process of CDB absorption into the skin and bloodstream by way of the pores. Dissolving the oil in water to disperse its properties as helps lessen the chances of an adverse reaction.

Can CBD Oil be Absorbed through the Skin?

CBD oil can be absorbed by the skin in bath water or through topical application. It works by accessing the cannabinoid receptors in the body. Once activated, these receptors respond to the natural therapeutic properties of the oil by relaxing muscles, reducing inflammation, and relieving pain.


Can I Put CBD Oil in Hot Water?

Yes, you can put CBD oil in hot water such as a bath. The heat won’t affect its healing properties, nor will it alter the oil’s integrity. The rule-of-thumb for administering CBD oil in hot bath water – if it’s at a safe and comfortable temperature for you, then it’s okay for the oil as well.

How Long should You Sit in a CBD Bath?

It’s recommended that you sit in a CBD bath for at least 20 minutes to allow your skin the time it needs to fully absorb the oil and receive its ‘full effects.’ The medicinal benefits of CBD include minerals and cannabinoids that aid in skin regeneration while promoting both relaxation and healing.

How do You Make a CBD Bath?

To make a CBD bath, add a few drops of the cannabis oil directly to the water as you’re filling the tub. You can also mix it with a carrier oil or some bubble bath. Since CBD oil isn’t water-soluble, it won’t fully dissolve in the water but rather pool on top. While you soak, it’ll absorb safely and easily into the skin.

How to Make Your Own CDB Bath Soak?

To make your own CBD bath soak, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 2 cups of Epsom salts
  • 25 mg (approximately 2 tablespoons) of CBD oil
  • ¼ cup of baking soda
  • ½ cup of Himalayan Sea salt
  • 10 drops of essential oil – lavender for relaxation, lemon for energizing and peppermint for pain relief.

The steps for creating your own CBD bath include the following:

  1. Combine Epsom salts, Himalayan Sea salt, and baking soda in bowl.
  2. Add the CBD oil to the salt and soda mixture.
  3. Add the essential oil to the mixture.
  4. Mix well with a spoon.
  5. Pour the mixture into a container with a lid – a mason jar is ideal.
  6. Store in a cool, dry place until needed.
  7. When needed, ½ cup of the mixture to your bath water.
  8. Soak for at least 20 minutes.

*Avoid oils such as bergamot, cinnamon, and oregano which may irritate sensitive skin. Try a test patch with the essential oil first by mixing it with a carrier and applying it to the inside of the forearm.

* It’s best to use the CBD mixture within a month or two of making it otherwise, the oils may start to clump-up and the potency of the mixture may dimmish (especially if not kept in an air-tight container).

How much CBD Oil is Needed in a Bath?

The amount of CBD oil you use in a bath will depend upon your needs. For a relaxation bath, add at least 25 mg of the oil. For a pain-relieving bath, use anywhere from 50 to 100 mg of CBD oil. For deep tissue repair, add 200 mg of oil to your bath water.

How Long do the Effects of CBD Oil in a Bath Last?

After soaking a CBD bath for at least 20 minutes, the relaxing and pain-relieving effects should last anywhere from 1 to 2 hours, depending on the dosage, the amount of water used, and the severity of your discomfort.

What Type of CBD Oil is Best for Bath Bombs?

To create the ideal CBD bath bomb, use at least 50 mg of high-potency CBD extract. Whenever possible, add organic ingredients such as pure hemp seed, essential oils, and herbal extracts to reduce the chances of a chemical reaction which can irritate and inflame skin causing itching, redness, and dryness.

What are the Best CBD Bath Products?

The best CBD bath products are typically organic in nature and contain pure, natural ingredients such as sea salt, baking soda, and essential oil. Prima Bath Gem bath bomb in one such product. You can search online hemp retailers for additional products and information.

Is CBD Oil in a Bath Good for Everyone?

The effectiveness of CBD oil varies, depending on the person and the product being used. Some people may experience benefits from using CBD oil in their bath while others may not notice any effects. It’s a good idea to start slowly with a small amount and gradually up to the dosage, if necessary.

Before using any medicinal product – including naturally derived plant-based oils like CDB – make sure to consult with your physician first. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have underlying health concerns, don’t use CBD oil in a bath unless pre-approved by your healthcare provider.

Who shouldn’t Use CBD Oil in a Bath?

Those who are pregnant or nursing shouldn’t use CBD oil in a bath unless okayed by a doctor first. If you have pre-existing heath conditions or take medications like opioids, antidepressants, or antihistamines, you should use caution and seek medical approval before applying CBD oil to your bath water.

Final Thoughts

In summation, you can safely use CBD oil in your bath water. This plant-derived liquid can be taken orally or used topically. Added to a bath, CBD oil can help soften skin while promoting relaxation and reducing inflammation.

I trust this article has provided the information you need regarding CBD oil and how to use it in a bath. Be smart and be safe.

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