Learn How to Germinate Weed Seeds Fast

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The cool thing about growing marijuana is that it is so super easy. The one thing you should know if you are a beginner is just don’t over complicate the process. Marijuana is nicknamed weed for a reason, because mostly it grows like a weed which means in most conditions the stuff will grow. Sure it might not produce huge buds if you have it in cooler temperatures with moderate lighting but it will still grow.

The same goes with getting marijuana seeds to sprout, it is super easy as long as you do this.

Make sure your seeds stay warm and in the dark while germinating. That is all it takes.

Now there are a few different ways to go about getting them to sprout and of course different tips and tricks to ensure higher success but I suggest you stick to the basics and keep it simple. I know you probably paid good money for your seed(s) but trust me just don’t over think this.

Here are some great ways to get those seeds popping some roots.

How to Germinate Weed Seeds in Water

I like the idea of this way because the important thing when germination marijuana seeds, is to keep the seed wet. Putting a seed in water will definitely do that.

  • Fill a small container with Luke warm water. Make sure the container is not see-through.
  • Drop your seed(s) in the container
  • Some seeds will float some will not. The seeds that sink have a better chance of sprouting. The seeds that do not sink initially might very well sink eventually. Sometimes all it takes is a gentle push on the seed after it has been in the container for an hour or so and it will float to the bottom.
  • Cover the cup or container with something that is solid so no light will penetrate.
  • Place the container somewhere warm like the top of a fridge or the top of a water heater near the hot water outlet side. If you have other locations that are warm constantly you could place it there as well. Just make sure it doesn’t get to hot.
  • Now sit back and let your seeds do their thing. You should have some sprouting happening in a week to 10 days. If not, give them time as some sprout later than others.


How to Germinate Weed Seeds in a Paper Towel

I think most people can relate to this process. It seems to be somewhat popular. Here goes.

  • Find a small almost flat dish and a paper towel.
  • Place towel on plate so it can be folded in half.
  • Put seed(s) on paper towel.
  • Wet paper towel enough so the paper towel starts to shrink wrap the seeds. Don’t use so much water that the seeds float out of the towel. The idea is to have the paper towel snuggle the seed in the hopes of luring out some root.
  • Keep in a dark a spot as possible.
  • Make sure the seeds are kept warm.
  • Make sure the towel stays moist. The problem with using paper towels is they dry up quickly so you really have to keep on top of it.
  • How long to germinate seeds in a paper towel, you ask? After a week or so you should notice the shell of the seed splitting and a little white root growing out.


Germinating Seeds in Soil

Germinating seeds in a soil mixture is how most other plant types are germinated. It’s how most farms are planted so why not marijuana. The cool thing about starting in soil is you can purchase soil pods or you can even throw a bit of soil in a plastic cup. We will use the plastic cup method.

  • Find a plastic cup that you would use for a picnic or beer type plastic disposable cups.
  • Fill the cup half to three quarters of the way full of soil.
  • Poke small holes about a half inch deep for each seed you want to germinate.
  • Place a seed in each whole and cover with dirt.
  • Water dirt enough to wet weed seeds without having them pop up out of the ground.
  • Place the cup in a location like the top of a water heater or fridge to keep warm.
  • Cover the cup blocking out light.
  • Make sure to keep the soil moist. Do not let it dry out.
  • Check back in 6 or more days for little plants starting to grow.

small young pot plant

What is the Best Way to Germinate Weed Seeds

The best way to germinate weed seeds will differ from person to person. All of the above methods work however my preferred way to germinate marijuana seeds is putting the seeds in a small cup of water.

The reason for this is that you do not have to worry about the paper towel or dirt drying out and slowing down the process. With those methods you could even kill the seed if it starts to sprout and the paper or dirt goes dry. I don’t want that to happen. I want my seeds to sprout fast and safely.

If you decide to try the container of water method as well make sure to keep the water warm. It is most important with this method to have warmth as water will get cool fast and that can slow down roots appearing.

So now that you have a grasp on how to get your weed seeds to germinate as quickly as possible the next step is to learn what to do with your germinated seeds.

I don’t have an article on that yet as this site is very new but I will work on one right away and get it posted and linked here as quick as I can.  Please feel free to check out other articles on growing marijuana world. Cheers.

small marijuana plant


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