How to Clone Your Weed Plants [An Easy Straight forward Method]

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I am really glad you have found this article. I feel I am providing you a very easy and straight forward way to clone weed that anyone can do successfully. If I can do it then so can you. Just remember that marijuana grows like a weed so it really isn’t that hard and you should not be intimidated to do this at all.

What Does Cloning a Weed Plant Mean?

Cloning a weed or marijuana plant means you are taking part of one plant and growing it into its own plant. The clone will be genetically identical to the plant it was sourced from.

Why Clone Weed/Marijuana Plants?

You can clone weed for various reasons. The ones that come to mind for me are if you just enjoy growing marijuana I mean if you REALLY enjoy the process then this is a great way to keep involved in it. Another fantastic reason for you to clone your own marijuana plants is because of the money you won’t be spending. Just think of it. If you buy pot to smoke that costs money and if you buy seeds to grow your own plants then you know how expensive seeds can be, especially premium varieties that are feminized.

How to Clone Your Weed Plants the Easy Way

This process does not need to be difficult. Some growers make it difficult and swear that it’s because of their complicated process that that’s why they have the success they have. The thing is that its weed and weed grows like weed, meaning that it will almost grow 100% of the time. As long as you take care in doing a few things providing a bit of help for the clipping to start sprouting roots you will be able to have a high rate of success as well. Assuming you have all of your growing supplies that I have listed in the section after this one let’s get started.

The first thing you should do is stop fertilizing your mother plant a week or so before you cut clones from it. The fertilizer can mess up the clone’s ability to grow roots effectively if it is fertilized as it could continue trying to grow out the branches and leaves instead of healing itself by growing roots. The clone would end up dying if this happened.

  1. The first thing you have to decide is where on your mother plant if that’s where your taking clones from or just a regular grown plant you are going to be trimming from.
    1. If you are cloning a mother plant you can take your clippings from anywhere on the plant. Alternating what parts of the plant you cut from on each successive cloning will ensure your mother plant stays healthy and strong and keeps providing you with clones for a very long time. If you are not sure what a mother plant is or how to take care of one I will link to an article I just posted before this one on How to Grow a Mother Plant right there.
    2. If you are taking clones from a plant that will be providing you with some nice bug buds then do not trim from the dominant branches that are shooting up higher than the rest of the plant and will most likely be the bud producers. If you are taking clones fairly early in the plants growth then taking from the higher branches doesn’t pose as much of an issue. If you are just about ready to switch to the flowering phase then stay away from the top.
  2. Now that you know where you are trimming the pot plant you can use a pair of scissors or a utility knife that have been cleaned. Since you are cutting into the plant you do not want to infect the plant or the branches you are cutting off. It’s probably not a problem however why take the chance for the little bit of effort it takes to clean your tool of choice.
    1. Assuming your plant is not in the flowering stage you can look for branches that are healthy and strong. It is best to choose branches that are thicker rather than skinny ones. The thicker the branch the greater the chance of growing lots of roots.
    2. Make sure the branch is more than just a branch and one leaf growing. Select branches that have at least one node. Look for a branch that has at least a couple of shoots growing in separate directions. If it is just one leaf you might just end up growing one leaf. That would be a wasted effort.
    3. Once you know which branches you are cutting off. Trim the branch right at the stalk of the main plant without cutting into the stalk if at all possible. I have seen some growers that will cut the branch right flush to the stalk and honestly I am not sure that really matters. You can do this if you like but I really don’t think it is necessary. Just more steps to remember and forget. Let’s keep it simple. One more thing to mention. When trimming branches make sure you trim them so they will fit in your germination dome which I have listed in the next section and linked out to Amazon for you.
    4. Now take the clone you just cut off and you can do a couple of things to prepare it for planting in your cloning media. First cut the end of it at a 45 degree angle. Then taking your cutting tool make four or five notches on the bottom inch of the branch above your 45 degree cut. Careful not to cut right through. Just cut it as if you were going to peel the outer portion of the branch off but stop right after you have entered into the branch. This should be good enough. The nicks you have created will sprout roots as will the very bottom where you cut at an angle. I have seen some clone so called experts that will take a razor and scrape the whole bottom inch of the branch so the whole area is exposed it might work however I would be concerned you are shocking the clone and stressing it out enough that it might not produce any roots for you. It’s your call but I like my method better and it works.
    5. Place your cuttings into water for the moment while we prep the growing media.
    6. I expect you purchased rock wool or coco coir or some other type of seedling pods. I would recommend something like that however you could just use an organic soil. Make sure the soil has no extra fertilizers in it. FYI if you are not sure what coco coir is or what sort of growing media you should use for soil have a look at my article on what soil you should use for growing weed after you read this article of course.
    7. Regardless of what you are growing to plant your clones in what you can do now is poke a hole in the middle of them and spray them lightly with water. Once more thing, these growing pods should be able to fit in an enclosed seedling dome.
    8. Now it’s time to apply some cloning solution to your clones. Some users will put some of the solution in a different container like a shot glass or something similar. I just use the container the product came in. now open it up and dip a clone into it ensuring the bottom area you cut and nicked are covered with the solution. Next thing to do is to push the end of the branch into the hole of your growing pod or pot. Make sure the hole you pre-made is large enough so the cloning solution does not wipe off the branch. You really want the solution to stay over the cut areas.
    9. Once you have the clone in place ensuring the solution went down into the hole. Then press lightly around the area making sure the branch is stable and will not fall over.
    10. Now repeat the above steps for each and every clone. Once that is done move to the next step.
    11. After all of your clones are cut and placed into growing pods or tiny pots and in a seedling tray you can go ahead and give the clones a very light misting with a spray bottle or dip your fingers in water and flick a bit of water at the plants. Do not water each pod. If by chance you had used rock wool then you could have soaked those pods before transferring the clones into them. Just use enough water so it looks like the clones have a mist on them. The next thing to do is to place the seedling kits lid on attaching it to the bottom ensuring it is closed tightly. You do not want to leave it open as the little bit of moisture will evaporate if it is not closed properly.
    12. Once the lid is on it is time to place the tray somewhere under a light that is bright but not full blown growth lighting. Whatever you have for your growth phase cut that in a quarter to get the right amount of lighting. Do not place the lights right on top of the clones at this point either. The clones are very fragile and will need to root before applying stronger lights.
    13. Almost there. Make sure the grow area these clones are placed in stays very warm. I am going to suggest in the high 70’s at minimum. With the moisture inside the seedling box and the higher temperature the clones will start sprouting in no time at all.
    14. Lastly give the clones approximately 10 to 14 days to grow enough roots that they will be able to replant right after that.
  3. While you are waiting the 10 to 14 days for root growth watch the seedling dome making sure it is moist inside. If it looks like the clear plastic is showing no sign of moisture you might have a compromised lid that allowed the moisture to evaporate. Take care of this immediately by adding a small amount of moisture and resealing as fast as you can. You don’t want to disrupt and possibly stress and shock the clones.
  4. Once you reach the 10 to 14 day mark go ahead and open up the seedling dome. Pick up one of your clones and check the grow media for roots. If it is in soil you will be able to pull the plant out of the pot to check to see that the roots are growing to the edge of the soil. If the clones are in a growing pod you should be able to identify the roots growing out of it. If you found roots then success is yours. It is now time to transplant the clones into a bit larger of a pot. You will still want to take it easy with the lights for a few days but after that you should be able to lay on the lighting to start getting some good growth going. Just keep an eye on the health of the pot leaves ensuring they are reaching for the light and not starting to curl over.

One more thing you might consider doing is cutting the clones leaves in half. This is supposed to reroute the branch from trying to support leaf growth to promoting better root growth. I haven’t done this myself however it seems like it might work. It’s your call on this one.

That’s it you did it. You successfully cloned a plant growing multiple clones from it. Now depending on what is legal where you live you will have to determine how many clones you start and how often you can take from the mother plant for this process. In Canada where I am located legally we can grow up to 4 plants at a time for recreational use. So if I have a mother plant and cut clones off I can only cut 3 off at a time, let those 3 grow and bud then cut them down. After that I could cut another 3 and repeat the process. So make sure you know the law in your neck of the woods before you start this process.


Here is My Recommended Marijuana Cloning Supply List

So as mentioned in the above section here are some supplies you will want to have on hand to help you have success in your cloning your marijuana plants. Of course I will link to the products on Amazon for your convenience.

  • A recommended cloning solution is CloneX rooting Gel. This product has mineral nutrients and trace elements helping to guarantee your cloning success.
  • Scissors and or a razor are essential for cutting the clones off of the mother plant. Make sure to use a very sharp pair of scissors or razor. The cleaner the cut the better for the plant and clipping.
  • Rockwool and Coco coir are my preferred materials for planting clones in however a good organic soil or seeding pods or a mix of each will work for this application.
  • A seedling starter germination dome is required. You need something the moisture will be sealed in with the plants and you need a lid that is high enough for your clones to be able to stand upright.
  • Water, light and heat are all essential for your new plants to survive. You could probably use tap water but if you have some reverse osmosis water available use that instead. I talked about lighting and heat in the previous section.

Bonus Questions Answered related to Cloning your Weed Plants

When thinking about what I wanted to cover in this article I wanted to make sure I covered as many questions that might come up as possible to ensure I provided as much help as possible to you the reader. I came up with a few myself and found the rest online. I will provide as short an answer as possible for each.

How old Should a Mother Plant be Before Cloning?

A mother plant should be 8 to 9 weeks old and have enough growth that you can harvest clones from it. The time frame on when is right will also depend on the type of strain and variety you have. Your plant can get quite large though 8 to 9 weeks if you are providing enough heat and lighting.

How to Make Clones Root Faster

Well of course we would all love to be able to have our clones root faster. The cloning techniques listed above should cause the branches to root as quickly as possibly if you follow everything I have suggested.

Is it Okay to be Cloning Straight into Soil

Yes cloning straight into soil is okay. I would recommend though if you choose to go this route that you mix the soil with Perlite, Coco Coir or Peat Moss. You need to add substances that will allow the new roots to start growing freely as well as offering aeration in the soil. Soil only could potentially get packed to hard stopping the roots from taking off. You don’t want this to happen.

How Long Does it Take to Clone a Weed Plant?

The cloning process itself should take you less than an hour right from start to finish. If it takes any longer then you are being too picky. Basically you are cutting a branch off a pot plant and planting it. It might even take you as little as 20 to 30 minutes.

Can You Clone from a Pot Leaf?

I have never done this myself. I did read online that some growers state they can grow from a leaf. They do not state if the leaf had any part of the branch left on it or if it was just leaf planted in the growing media. I don’t even know why anyone would even attempt this when you are trimming the plant by cutting branches off. If you try this make sure to dip the cut end of the leaf in a cloning gel like CloneX.

That’s it I hope you found this information helpful and now see just how easy it is to clone a weed plant.

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