How to Grow Weed in the Forest (Guerilla Growing)

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Sometimes growing at home is not the best option so you have to come up with other places to grow weed. In Canada where I live, we are currently legally allowed to grow 4 marijuana plants at any given time. But what if you just want to do something wild and crazy and grow weed out in a forest?

Weed can be grown in a forest provided the weather conditions are conducive to weed growing successfully. Growing weed in a forest can be done in areas where no humans wander or if you happen to own property with a forest. Growing weed in a tree (called guerilla growing) is also very popular now. 

*Disclaimer* This article is purely for entertainment and informational purposes only. I am not suggesting you grow marijuana illegally*

Of course, there are some obvious options for growing weed outside in a forest and then there are maybe some not so obvious ideas and ways to go about this. It’s the ‘not so obvious’ options and ideas I want to make sure I cover in this article. I will go over the basics though in case you are new to the weed growing community.

And now, let’s begin!

The Basics for Growing Weed in a Forest

Growing weed in a forest should not be over analyzed. The purpose here is to grow a few plants in secrecy and to be able to reap the rewards of a large yield of buds afterwards. Plain and simple right?

If I was going to grow in a forest, here is what I would do and look for.

Location, location, location is not just for real estate. You must do some scouting and locate a spot where you wouldn’t expect anyone (and I mean anyone) to happen to be in the near vicinity.

If you feel there is even the slightest chance that might happen then keep looking. It might take you a few trips out in the forest to find the perfect spot. Your ideal spot should be fairly close to water so it’s not hard to retrieve and water the plants.

Make sure the spot you pick is a good mile or so beyond any known location where humans frequent. It should also be a spot that has full exposure to the south and west sunshine.

Once you feel you have located the best spot for you to grow some weed, I want you to spend a couple hours there just sitting and being quiet. Make sure there isn’t any wildlife there that might dig up your plants. That means, identify if you are going to be growing near a path that dear or other wildlife frequent. If so, find another spot.

Aside from the weed plants you are growing, you will need a few items to leave out in the forest (hidden of course) so you can take care of the plants properly.

You will need a container for carrying water, fertilizer for veg and flowering stages, a knife or scissors for trimming back the plant and securing it as necessary, a small amount of chicken wire in case you need to surround the plants to protect them from small critters, a large garbage bag to cover the items I have just listed.

To hide your supplies, I would dig a hole nearby the plants and do your best to cover the bag with tree branches and other plants you find in the area. Make it look as natural as possible.

As far as growing goes, make sure to plant seedlings or clones that were started indoors or even outdoors maybe where you live. This way, your plants have a running start for the growing season in the spring. They will also produce much larger yields as the plant will be more mature come harvest time than if you would have started the season by planting seeds.

The rest of the process is common growing sense. The only other growing tip I would offer when growing outdoors in a forest is to trim your plants frequently. Cut off any fan leaves and other branches or leaves you just don’t need.

Guerilla Growing Techniques

Want to know how to hide weed in the woods? Yes? Great, then keep reading.

What are guerilla growing techniques you ask? They are ways to grow weed out in the forest successfully without being found.

Think about the guerilla rebels lurking in the South American jungles only being seen when they want you to see them. That is the mindset you need when growing weed in a forest. You don’t want anyone taking your hard-earned plants do you? No, of course not.

Here are some ‘rules of thumb’ when it comes to guerilla growing techniques


  • Don’t wear bright clothes or any scents such as cologne or perfume. You don’t want to be noticed by other humans because you decided to wear a bright tie-dye shirt. You also don’t want large animals to smell you so take it easy on the fragrances.


  • Turn cell phones off. I mean power them right down. It isn’t good enough to turn off data, you need to shut the device off so you can’t be tracked. If it’s an option, just don’t bring a phone with you.


  • When at all possible, take different routes to your grow area each time you go. Or at the minimum, have 2 different routes and alternate between them. This goes for when you are leaving the area as well.


  • This goes with the last point which is to cover your tracks when possible. If you are putting footprints into soil that has nothing else there and your prints stand out, then do something to cover them up. You don’t have to cover the whole path up, but sections of it are a great start.


  • Regarding how to grow plants using guerilla techniques, I would suggest keeping the plants trimmed as much as possible and so some LST on them. Low stress training is the art of bending plants over so the don’t grow as high. This is also a good way to increase the size of all the buds as some won’t be stuck under the rest of the plant. They will all be growing at approximately the same level.


  • Lastly (and I will cover it more in the next section) is to do some guerilla growing in trees. I mean up off the ground way up in trees. Keep reading to learn more.

Guerilla Growing in Trees (The Ultimate Guerilla Growing Technique)

For those of you that are really creative and not scared of heights, have you ever considered growing marijuana high up in a tree?

Because that is what guerilla growing in trees is all about. This helps hide your weed growing in the forest at a next level. Someone travelling through the area would be much less likely to find your plants if they were raised up 20’ in the air.

For this to work, you will need to identify a tree or trees that you can build a platform on to grow plants on. You will also need to have a way to climb up the tree safely. You can screw wood to the tree to make steps or rig some sort of rope ladder you can pull up out of site when you are up tending to the crop or when you are leaving the area.

This method will obviously take much more work and effort, but it’s probably the safest regarding being found out by other humans or wild animals.


In conclusion, I just wanted to say when you consider growing weed in a forest and venturing out to find a location, consider the amount of effort it was for you to get there and imagine if others could stumble upon you by accident.

Sometimes when you think you are there it just takes a bit more of a push to really get into a location that you know you will not be discovered.

When you do go searching, do not bring supplies with you at that time. Just go out for a nature hike and see what wonderful locations you can stumble upon to grow some weed.

Good luck!

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